Campaign 2020
Planned tomorrow in Baltimore – at least three pro-democracy demonstrations
With a jittery electorate wondering whether the president will accept the results of today’s election, Baltimore activists are ready to protest – or celebrate – on Wednesday
Above: Protesters march through downtown Baltimore last May following the death of George Floyd. (J.M. Giordano)
A presidential election being watched by the world is taking place today, but many worry President Donald Trump won’t accept the results.
He has declined to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election and has attempted to spread confusion and fear about mail-in voting.
Some states have tried to take thousands of names off their list of registered voters, while others have limited polling places in areas with large Black populations.
Suffice it to say, people are anxious.
Maryland has faced far fewer and milder disputes than other states, but local pro-democracy activists are ready to protest – or celebrate – in Baltimore on Wednesday.
Here are three organized demonstrations:
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Sunrise Movement Baltimore, Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition and Our Revolution Baltimore City/County are hosting a “Rally for Democracy and Justice” in front of City Hall.
“No matter what happens on election night, we will gather the next day and act to show our power,” the Facebook event states. “We need to send the message: our generation will not settle. This is our time to demand leadership that will prioritize our safety, our futures, and our health.”
3 p.m. – 8 p.m. – The Peoples Power Assembly, Women in Struggle and other groups are holding a “Protest for a Peoples Mandate” at 2011 North Charles Street, plus a 5 p.m. rally at McKeldin Square and the Federal Building downtown.
“If the election is stolen – OCCUPY THE STREETS!” the Facebook event states. “Call in sick; No work; No school; No shopping.”
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Count Every Vote! Maryland, a coalition of dozens of groups, is holding a car caravan along Northern Parkway, starting at 5116 North Charles Street.
Many local elected officials have signed the Count Every Vote! Maryland petition, including state senators Antonio Hayes, Cory McCray and Mary Washington; U.S. Rep Jamie Raskin; and City Council President Brandon Scott.
“We are committed to nonviolent street protests if there is an attempt to cut short the vote count,” states a press release. “If we have a fair election, our street action will proceed with a celebration.”